Heat Pump repair in Des Moines
This is a heat pump that was never shut down, due to a bad control and the Freon being low.
Air Conditioning Repair in Des Moines
The coils on this air conditioning unit were very dirty and needed cleaned to allow the air to actually flow through the system. Don’t make your system work harder than it has to, keep it clean.
Furnaces in Des Moines
This is a sign that your evaporator coil has frozen up, due to lack of air flow or lack of refrigerant. The lack of air flow can be caused from a dirty filter or having too many registers closed, among other things.
Furnace Repair in Iowa
This is a rusted heat exchanger, caused by water sitting in the furnace. This can lead to early failure of the heat exchanger.
Furnace Maintenance in Des Moines
These are pictures from before and after a furnace cleaning. Having your furnace cleaned regularly helps to improve the life of the furnace and helps us see any possible problems in the future. Most manufacturers also require having this done to maintain warranty status.
Furnace Cleaning in Iowa
These are pictures from before and after a furnace cleaning. Having your furnace cleaned regularly helps to improve the life of the furnace and helps us see any possible problems in the future. Most manufacturers also require having this done to maintain warranty status.
Air Conditioner Cleaning in Iowa
This is another air conditioning unit that needs cleaned. When the unit gets like this, it can run too hot, which is hard on the compressor and fan motors. It can also affect the cooling level in your home.
Broken Furnace Repair in Iowa
This is a broken blower wheel in a furnace. It can cause your furnace to shake, leading to extra vibrations that can break apart and damage other components of the furnace.
Duct Repair in Iowa
Ice on your ductwork can be caused by a dirty filter, thus blocking the air flow, or by low refrigerant levels.
American Home Services in Des Moines
This furnace was installed by another company, and when they did so, there was never a drain installed from the evaporator coil. That coil then drained inside the furnace for about five years, destroying the furnace.
Vent repair in Des Moines
When the seal around your roof vent leaks, it comes down the pipe and you can see these water spots. Depending on where this is in your home, it can cause drywall damage if not repaired.
Furnace Repair in Iowa
This is just one example of a cracked heat exchanger. When these cracks appear, your furnace can leak carbon monoxide (CO) gas, which is odorless and tasteless. CO poisoning can make you very sick, and could even kill you. These cracks appear for many different reasons, including overheating of equipment and the metal weakening over time from the repeated heating and cooling.
Furnace Maintenance in Des Moines
This is a plugged A-coil inside your furnace. This can cause similar problems as a clogged air filter. Regular cleaning of your furnace can help prevent this.
Dirty ducts in Des Moines
This is the inside of dirty return air ductwork inside someone’s house. Duct cleaning can help keep this clean, and help with allergies.
Air Filter Replacement in Des Moines
You can’t even see through this filter, which means air is not flowing through it well either. It’s an easy fix, you just have to remember to change it. When air filters get clogged like this they can cause your furnace to overheat, cause your A-coil to freeze, cause premature failure in your equipment, and cost you more in energy bills.
Propane Furnace Replacement in Iowa
This heat exchanger has gone bad on a propane furnace. The acid in the propane, as it is being burned, is very corrosive to your heating equipment, and can cause damage like this.
Air Conditioner Systems in Des Moines
These are cracks on a large heater, caused by the furnace over firing due to lack of maintenance.
HVAC Replacement in Iowa
These are wire connections on an A/C compressor unit that have come loose. Give us a call, and we can repair this easily.
Geothermal Systems in Des Moines
This is a hole in a secondary heat exchanger. Much like the heat exchanger cracks, carbon monoxide (CO) can get into your home through a hole like this. CO can be very dangerous for you and your family.
Iced Vent repair in Des Moines
Improper venting outside this home caused this. When your furnace isn’t venting properly, it can cause toxic fumes to build inside your home.
Furnace Malfunction in Des Moines
The black marks in the picture are from when the fire in this furnace came out and burned the wiring.
Broken Furnace Repair in Des Moines
Here is another cracked heat exchanger caused by the furnace overheating. Note how large this one is. They come in all shapes and sizes, but all can be dangerous for your family.
Furnace repair in Des Moines
The motor in this furnace is so dirty it can’t breathe. If it can’t breathe, it will overheat and burn up the motor. No motor, no working furnace.
Broken Furnace Repair in Des Moines
Water has leaked inside this furnace, which can ruin the circuit board or other electrical components. If you see something like this inside your furnace, call us to come repair it.
Air Conditioning Capacitor Repair in Des Moines
A frog got onto the capacitor because holes on the A/C unit weren’t sealed. It was easily replaced, but shows another reason to keep your unit in tip-top shape.
Water Leaking inside a Furnace
Here’s another example of water leaking inside a furnace. Be careful because it can cause many electrical problems.
Diry Furnace Cleaning in Des Moines
A dirty furnace can not only cause efficiency problems (costing you more on your energy bills), but they can also be a fire hazard and cause damage to other parts of your furnace. Yet another reason to schedule routine maintenance and cleaning for your heating and cooling system.
American Home Services in Des Moines
This drain trap needed cleaned because water was not draining properly. It was in a multi-unit property and damaged the drywall in other home that was below.
Heating and Cooling System Repair in Des Moines
This is a humidifier that has been added to a heating and cooling system. Humid air retains heat better than drier air, which gets colder more quickly.
Broken Furnace Replacement in Des Moines
Here are before and after pictures of a furnace that we replaced. There were many cracks inside this rusty furnace. They could have been caused by short cycling the furnace or a leaky evaporator coil onto the heat exchanger.
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